Jan 22, 2011

Day 31 Plant Based Diet. The data.

31 days now of no animal protein, no oils or fats including no nuts or avocado. The reason for this radical life style change was due to an angiogram finding I had coronary artery disease and my subsequent research that showed the only scientifically proven way to stop and reverse my problem was to adopt a rigid plant based diet so that's what we did. Now I have hard data to share.
So here is an overview.
Chest Pain on exercise = None (2 x1 hour bike rides to test)
Weight = Lossed 4.4kg's (This was not an objective but I am happy)
Blood pressure = > 130/80 consistently well below. (Previously consistently well above this)
Pulse rate (sitting)  = 50 (Previously consistently over 60)
Cholesterol (A stunning result)
Total = 3.1 (1 Month prior 5.6)
LDL = 1.3 (1 Month prior 3.6)
HDL = 1.32 (1 Month prior 1.77)
In the book "Prevent and Reverse Heart Disease" by Dr Caldwell B Esselstyn Jr he states "If you follow a plant based nutrition program to reduce your total cholesterol to below 3.88mmol/lt and the LDL level to less than 2.07mmol/lt, you cannot deposit fat and cholesterol into your coronary arteries"
So in my case I am absolutely over the moon with the results so far as it means my body can start to repair the problem (well let's hope...). At worst it should not progress if I look after my health.
The bottom line of this experience and research (originating with the China Study) is that the experts in this field are claiming its scientifically proven that if you stop eating all animal protein and all oils and fats and start eating only plant based foods you will have a statistically very low chance of heart attack and be less susceptible to many kinds of cancers and also diseases like Diabetes.
I will update as we learn.

1 comment:

  1. Well done you two !!! Your determination and dedication has been rewarded in these stunning results. Amazing !!! Robyn can you come and cook for me???? xxx Coll
