Mar 16, 2011

Meditierranean Diet

For folks who want a more conventional approach to healthy eating (versus a strictly whole foods plant based approach) may be interested in a new study published on March the 15th. Link.
What I extracted here is their definition of the Med Diet. Note its essentially daily intake of whole foods and low fat dairy and weekly fish or poultry. The fatty acids are obtained from olives and olive oil.
What's been happening in the USA and here in NZ is that the Med diet has been interpreted as being able to swamp our more traditional already fatty and highly processed foods with additional olive oil or any vegetable oil for that matter. Take a look at almost all recipes now days and they mostly have oil in them. Our daily food intake is oozing with oil even many of our breads. Check it out you might be surprised.
We went to a nice cafe on the weekend and I ordered a roasted vegetable panini with a green side salad. It was lovely tasteing but strictly not that great nutritionally. The salad was covered in oil, the panini was white flour based (probably made with oil as well) and covered in butter and the roasted veg was also well oiled. Interesting and I should not have been eating it!

The study is published in the March 15 issue of the Journal of the American
College of Cardiology.

The Mediterranean diet is a pattern marked by daily consumption of fruits,
vegetables, whole grain cereals, and low-fat dairy products; weekly consumption
of fish, poultry, tree nuts, and legumes; high consumption of monounsaturated
fatty acids, primarily from olives and olive oils; and a moderate daily
consumption of wine or other alcoholic beverages, normally with meals. Red meat
intake and processed foods are kept to a minimum.

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