Jun 2, 2011

Aunty Una

This is mums sister Una.
Una was married to Jack (Burrows) and unfortunately they never had kids of their own.
But luckily for us they spoilt us rotten over many years.
While we lived in Tauranga and they lived in Nelson that never stopped them sending us comics and lollies weekly (yes weekly for years!) One year they sent us a striped candy walking stick that took two of us kids to carry it....hard to believe.
Better than all of this was the fact that they paid for us to go to Nelson for our annual holidays and they treated us like royalty
 Una was a hard worker and spent many years working at Kirpathricks canning company and later Griffins the biscuit and sweet manufacturers.
Una was quite an extrovert to the point of total embarrassment. Well for us as kids anyway. For example she would shamelessly get out on the streets on Madi Gras night with a tambourine and dance and sing her heart out while jiving through the crowd!
Una and Jack were tall for the times at 6ft and a visible couple and were well known in Nelson. Jack was a barman at the RSA, worked on the wharf and arranged and managed catering at weddings on weekends.
Neat people and loved us rats to bits.

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