Dec 30, 2024

Christmas Time 24

Off on a bike ride with the lads and Nana.
On the way back we stopped for a rest. The ride turned out to be 35km! Great effort boys, and Nana. We all had sore backsides.

At the half way turn around we had breakfast. Lewis 'needed' pancakes.
On the big day it was all about the kids and they had a great time with heaps of gifts including lots of clothes, which they seem to love. (We used to hate clothes for Christmas)
Nana on Lewis's bed with his new chicken nugget bedspread.
We all screamed at Lewis, "DON'T EAT ALL OF THAT"

You would think it was snowing out side. 
Nana giving unneeded advise to Rob on the BBQ
Christmas eve. We had a really nice meet up with Paul and Kyleigh's family for a dinner at the White House in TePuna. Thanks guys..

Dec 24, 2024

Flash Back Over 19 Years

 A few family Christmas photos from years back. 




And a special one from 12-2008 

Mystery Photo

Two white blood cells (purple) and red blood cells (pink/grey) from a recent blood smear I stained and photographed. The red cells are around 7 microns and the larger cells are about 15-20 mic.


Dec 20, 2024

7 Year Old's Art

 And then Lewis shows me his master pieces! When I was 7 everything I drew or painted went directly into the bin. Some of these, and Jays, really deserve a place on the wall.

They can think abstract. 

9 Year Old's Art

 Jayden brought home a bunch of his art work which I think is impressive. Here are some examples. Love the originality of the themes he used and the brilliant colours.

Dec 2, 2024

When People Went To Town

 This is downtown Tauranga in '73. Just 2 years before Rob and I met up.

I found the picture and hundreds more on Mad On New Zealand

A fantastic site indeed.